The Executive Director,

The Soybean Processors Association of India,

Class of Membership Entrance Fee Annual Membership Fee
Full Rs. 1500 Installed Capacity Tons per Day
Up to 400 MT
401 MT to 1000 MT
More Than 1000 MT
Subscription Per Annum

:Rs. 20,000.00
:Rs. 30,000.00
:Rs. 50,000.00
Associate Rs. 1000 Rs. 6000
Affiliate Rs. 1000 Rs. 6000
Foreign Affiliate US $250 US $500
+ 14 % Service Tax
+ 0.50 % Swachh Bharat Cess

General Information

Registered Office Address

Corporate Office Address

Communication Address


Plant Detail


Actual Production Information for year:

Current YearSoybean Crushed in MT Production of Crude soybean oil in MT Production of Refined soybean oil in MT Production of Soybean meal in MT

Exports year:

YearSoybean Meal Exported in MTEstimated FOB value in Rs

Names and Address of Representatives in order of preference

Name Address

Names & Address of Partners or Board of Directors -   Please attach separately